Asbestos Testing & Remediation
Asbestos Testing
Asbestos is a tricky hazardous material. In previous decades this natural fibre was added to thousands of building materials and consumer products. At the time it wasn't known just how hazardous exposure to these fibres was, so there is no marking or identification on any asbestos containing materials. On top of that, asbestos fibres are microscopic and have no smell to them.
The only way to know if a material contains asbestos fibres is to take a sample and have it tested in the lab.
In Canada, asbestos was banned from being added to some of the most common building materials in 1990. What does this mean for you? If your home or building was constructed prior to 1990, there are most likely asbestos containing materials somewhere in the building.
If these asbestos containing materials are in good condition and are not being disturbed in any way, then it's not something to be too concerned about. However if you are planning any kind of renovation or restoration project, or planning on demolishing the building, then you need to know whether there are asbestos containing materials present and where they are.
Asbestos testing is the only way to know for sure what you're dealing with, and as a home owner or building owner it is your responsibility to know the asbestos status of your building before beginning any work. That's where we come in. Depending on the scope of work you're looking to carry out, we'll determine the most appropriate areas to take samples from, take them to the lab for analysis, and provide you with the information you need to proceed. We can even help you with asbestos remediation so you're starting your project from a clean slate.
Common Places to Find Asbestos
Drywall mud
Vinyl flooring
Linoleum flooring
Loose-blown insulation
Ceiling tiles
Roof felt shingles
Incandescent light fixture backings
Deck under-sheeting
Image courtesy of WorkSafeBC​

Asbestos Remediation
Once you receive your hazardous materials report you'll have a good understanding of which materials in your home or building contain asbestos fibres. This information is incredibly important - for you, your family, any contractors that are coming in to work, and even for your neighbourhood as a whole. ​
Asbestos has been classified as a Group 1 Carcinogen. There is no known safe level of exposure to this material.
In order to safely remove any asbestos containing materials several things need to be taken into consideration to determine the appropriate level of containment and safety measures. Our team is fully trained in the safe removal, handling, and disposal protocols for asbestos containing materials. We will review your hazardous material test results with you and put together a plan to safely remove any asbestos containing materials. This includes setting up proper containment, air quality testing, and safe disposal of asbestos waste.
When you hire Balco Environmental to handle your asbestos remediation you can rest assured all protocols and safety measures are being followed. When our team is finished you will have a clean slate from which to continue your renovation or restoration project from without the worry of coming into contact with any asbestos fibres.